Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Alecwatson.com is up!

Well it sure took long enough!  . . . I guess that's the down side of being the tech.  First comes computer maintenance, but since stphotoworks.com changed ALL computers over to new Macs, there has been a LOT less tech to deal with . . . it's okay, Microsoft isn't a client.  
I have finally posted the mkI version of Alecwatson.com.
It's a little in consistent still, but it sure is nice to see my work on monitors at a little higher res, than 800x600 - no one actually uses dial-up anymore do they?
Over the next while, between shooting, maintaining Suzanneteresa.com . . . or maybe I should say teaching Suzanne to run Suzanneteresa.com  and all the post work that goes on around here, I am going to do my best to start up the teaching thing again with ramblings about our photographic workflow, tech problems (and fixes) and techniques.
So check back often to read about current projects, travels, and trials ;-0
Cheers, Alec

1 comment:

spence21 said...

Love the new site and images. Linked well to your blog adn Suzannes. Cheers